Learn. Grow. Redefine.

life skills coaching courses

Signature Life Skills Courses.

Adult Prep is committed to enriching the lives of middle schoolers, high schoolers and college students through the hands-on teaching of essential life skills. Our goal is to equip young adults with the financial, social and practical skills necessary for facing the challenging transitions of growing up in today's modern world. Our online, live courses focus on life skills crucial for success in life.  By preparing the next generation to take on the challenges of coming adulthood, we not only set those individuals up for success but also help ensure that our future world is a better place for all.  Our holistic, personalized approach engages students and parents, providing foundational skills and peace of mind in a supportive environment, driven by the belief that individual success leads to a better future for all.  

Continue below to learn more about our signature courses. Read more about our student support services here.

Financial Literacy

Freedom and opportunity abound as our children grow up and prepare to leave home for their next phase. However, debt and financial worry can often bruise these hopeful feelings and add stress to what is already a stressful time of transition. The majority of young people in America are in debt before they graduate from college, and this can set them back before they even step forward. This course will educate them early, laying a foundation of financial understanding that will last a lifetime.

Easing the Transition from Middle – High School

For many pre-teens, the transition from middle school to high school can be filled with anxiety and worry. Navigating the complex social rules, while managing an increased workload from school and extracurricular activities can seem overwhelming. This course will prepare your child for these challenges by improving their skills in decision-making, time management, life-balance and communication through hands-on learning and interactive exercises.

Managing the High School – College Transition

Leaving home for the first time is both a rite of passage and one of the first big challenges of adulthood. This class equips your young adult to be able to handle the non-academic side of their transition to college. From navigating dorm life and roommates to managing time and newfound freedom, this course helps ensure that they are prepared for the biggest unknowns of moving away from home and creating a thriving, independent life at college.

online life coach

“The term ‘adulting’ is silly. But the myriad things that are required to "adult" do not always come naturally to people. The areas Ruth covers are important and she has a knack for teaching these skills. Plus she's great to work with."

~Karen K.

“I have loved working with [Ruth] and would highly recommend giving her a call to learn more about how she can help your teen or young adult!”

— Amanda K.